Parental Leave Policies: A Comparative Study of the USA and Global Perspectives

On March 28th, Christina F. Toon and Patricia A. Podolec presented a Continuing Legal Education seminar to the Central Oklahoma Association of Legal Assistants (COALA). Participants learned from Christina and Pat’s decades of experience about “Parental Leave Policies: A Comparative Study of the USA and Global Perspectives”, including:

1. Understanding federal and state parental leave laws, including those under the Family Medical Leave Act and the differences amongst states and countries;

2. Learning breastfeeding support and workplace laws, including pump at work protections under the Fair Labor Standards Act; and

3. Reviewing the other federal employment laws that may apply to pregnant workers, including the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Area paralegals and legal assistants appreciated the opportunity to expand their employment and labor law knowledge from studied attorneys. As the United States continues to grapple with balancing the needs of businesses with those of their employees, an understanding of the laws at play is crucial to all in the legal field.


Workers’ Memorial Day on April 28th


Christina Featured in Edmond Rotarian!